Captain Maja’s misfit crew must heist their impounded ship and mount a rescue. Guide the crew across islands of a post-flood world known as ‘Saltsea’. Explore strange and wonderful communities, uncover a deep conspiracy, choose where to go and with who.

Saltsea Chronicles is a new story-driven adventure game from the award-winning indie studio Die Gute Fabrik (Mutazione, Sportsfriends). Visit different island communities as you investigate the mystery at the heart of the game. Each built on pre-flood ruins – in beautiful and beguiling ways.
In Saltsea Chronicles you guide the entire crew through the story. As well as investigating the mystery of your captain’s disappearance, you will uncover secrets, create and resolve tensions between the crew, and add to your number as you meet others who ask to join you.
Each chapter, you pick which island to visit and who to send on the expedition. Your choices will unlock different content, develop relationships, and give you a chance to resolve (and create) tensions within the crew.
If you’re interested in how we wrote Saltsea Chronicles, have a look at my post on the Die Gute Fabrik website. Spoiler: it was brilliant, hard, fun. For a deep dive into the development, check out Hannah Nicklin’s epic piece on Game Developer.
Play now on:
Playstation 5
Nintendo Switch
Read reviews from:
The Guardian (4/5)
Eurogamer (5/5)